Friday 28 May 2010

Welcome to our shiny new blog!

We have some ideas about things to put up here, but welcome any suggestions or links that you care to tell us about. Please add your comments below - your support is much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Dear CPRE members

    You may be interested to know about a new Island organisation, the Isle of Wight Orchard Group.
    Our aim is:
    'To conserve, promote and celebrate traditional orchards and fruit and nut trees on the Isle of Wight.'
    Our objectives are:
    'To share resources and exchange information about Isle of Wight orchards.
    'To educate people on the Isle of Wight about orchards.
    'To help people on the Isle of Wight develop orchard skills.
    'To promote management of Isle of Wight orchards to protect the environment and enhance biodiversity.'

    We've got our third meeting and first annual general meeting tonight, Monday 11 July, at 1900 at the 6th Newport Scout Hall in Trafalgar Road.



Thoughtful, amusing or helpful comments are welcome, but anything uncivil may be deleted. This is a family show.